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Until his career as a Skrillex impersonator takes off, Noah is biding his time whining about his problems in a musical format. He loves Pokémon, math rock, and making those he lives with suffer his cooking, which is usually a shot in the dark using whatever in the fridge hasn't expired.


He began crafting his rock singing voice at whatever age the other four let him join the band, and soon after discovered that he was not Dave Grohl. Whenever he sings, he's always thinking about that. It makes him sad and inspired.


If you would like to know a little more about Noah, follow Nihilist Arby's on Twitter. It's not him, but he wishes it was.


Even if you have no idea who Fox Hobart is, you’d probably suspect, just by looking at him, that he’s someone. He enters [insert name of fancy coffee shop/cafe] ([briefly mention how fancy said cafe is by stating it’s impressive location, e.g. specific downtown address in NYC, classy European city, or someplace really unheard of and hipster], which serves as the backdrop of our interview) wearing dark Levi’s jeans, a shirt bearing [describe some weird band shirt he owns], his signature Converse kicks, and a pair of fun socks. Although this may seem to describe your average somewhat-hipster, college-going kid, it’s his preferred mode of transportation that makes him stick out from the crowd. While most people outside briskly walk by, or maybe wheel past on a bicycle, Fox glides in on a Razor scooter.


By this point, I know Fox’s personality must live up to his impressive name, and once our interview starts, I’m not disappointed. He speaks with an air of wisdom and capability when describing his interest in pursuing a PHD in mathematics. I guess you really can be pretty and smart.


Don’t let his good looks and natural charisma fool you, he actually is a talented musician too. He talks about his musical history back in his hometown of Grayslake, IL, where he participated in [insert his shit]. This experience definitely shows when you hear him play with The Empty Sets, where he fills the role of lead guitarist and designated band heart-throb.



During his late high school and early college career, Brad progressed into an incredibly average electric guitar by playing along to his favorite Foo Fighters records. However, once he met Tomas (our bass player) in his sophomore year of college, he decided expanding his horizons was a good idea.


During rehearsal, Brad sets aside ample time in rehearsals to call out Tomas for fiddling with his amplifier or playing wrong notes in covers because Tomas “heard it different”. He doesn’t complain about anyone else during rehearsal… just Tomas.... and himself. 


Brad hopes to continue expanding his experience in molecular biology and genetics; however, he is currently embroiled in figuring out what on earth he should do with his future. He currently works at the University of Minnesota Genomics Center developing clinical genomic assays for Fairview Hospital's diagnostic laboratories.


Drew is Minneapolis based Percussionist, Music Educator, Drumline instructor and private lesson teacher with pockets deeper than Tomas's v-necks. He is a closet metal head, beer enthusiast, and will likely pay you to schlep his gear.


Tomas is a special person indeed. He can play most things just by listening a couple times to the riff. But so can everyone else in the group. He likes that about {The Empty Sets}.


Tomas picked up bass a few years ago and decides he still likes it. If you ever claim he is a decent bass player, he will just shrug and give examples of bass players who are better. He is right; they are better.

He likes a tapestry at his parent's house picturing a falcon in a mountain-top nest and hopes you donate to his PayPal (tomasicenogle) to help him buy a similar one some day.


He sincerely hopes you see the group perform as he and the rest of them love performing for a captive audiences!



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